when the going gets tough...

Friday, November 25, 2005







kittens and balls of wool

spit fights

twisting the swings, then unwinding and savouring the dizziness

climbing trees to eat unripe apples

missing montessori teacher and sitting in montessori every morning despite being in kindergarten

vommiting every morning

falling off the swing and see the world go ROUND

eating chalk

jumping on mattresses

eating bunties, making believe they're medicines

losing the pieces of the jigsaw

getting the small motorbike rider to woo barbie

the ecstasy of running round and round in circles then falling to the ground

pretending to have long hair

acting out every story book

praying to become a doctor

asking God for toys

learning to tie shoelaces from dada jaan

sleeping with abba

having crushes

praying, praying and praying


crying, crying and crying

moving on to more crushes

Val Kilmer



dada jaan


and then life begins...


  • At 2:48 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    the old memories of childhood...we always wish to go back to that time when life was just about going or not going to school, toys, ice cream and most of all loving grand parents...we grow up and see behind the time...and see that grand parents have become part of past.. and so all other memories...it seems that the childhood was like the time when adam and eve were in heaven...and then sent to earh...., and so we grew up....! one can not stop the time..human has to wait for the end of times..and after that, there will be no time..life forevere..!.........................may we achieve good, in that life.


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