when the going gets tough...

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

As it all just slips away from your hands, you just sit there watching it dissolve in the mist of time.


  • At 5:16 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    nothing can JUST slip out of your hands in this life... it seems like it. Yes! time can heal the things when nothing else can..sometimes you make such kind of decisions you don't want to...but circumstances make it happen,. The decisions from your heart,..heart...there in lives the Almighty God...may be He keeps giving you opportunities...sometimes you avail them through the right path, and sometimes you miss use them.. if you want to catch the things again..,think from your mind.,.not heart..because that's not your property...God.........!!!!! lives there.....!

  • At 5:22 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    nothing can JUST slip out of your hands in this life... it seems like it. Yes! time can heal the things when nothing else can..sometimes you make such kind of decisions you don't want to...but circumstances make it happen,. The decisions from your heart,..heart...there in lives the Almighty God...may be He keeps giving you opportunities...sometimes you avail them through the right path, and sometimes you miss use them.. if you want to catch the things again..,think from your mind.,.not heart..because that's not your property...God.........!!!!! lives there.....!

  • At 1:02 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    sit there watching it dissolve..............resolve in the mist of time.......


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